Smiling Buddhas and what they mean

The Smiling Buddha is perhaps one of the most widely displayed images in homes and businesses around the world.

This is not surprising since the Smiling Buddha is widely accepted as a positive symbol.

In this post, we will discuss the Smiling Buddha, its variety, and its significance in Feng Shui. Keep reading to find out why this pot belly statue is so popular.

Who is the smiling Buddha?

Also known as the Smiling Buddha Hotei or Pu-tai, a Chinese monk is often depicted as bald with a large belly and a smiling face

Pu-tai was widely regarded as the future Buddha because of his charity.

It is also believed to be an incarnation of Maitreya, the future Buddha.

Maitreya is a Bodhisattva, who has attained Nirvana but chooses to remain on earth so that others can attain the same.

Smiling Buddha

The smiling Buddha is usually a popular symbol of happiness.

Also known as the Fat Buddha, he represents many things you have dreamed of, such as wealth, happiness, or contentment.

Some say that rubbing the belly of the Buddha while smiling will bring happiness.

This is because in Chinese culture, the stomach is associated with nutrition, fertility and prosperity.

The smiling face of the Buddha is also a symbol of happiness, contentment and peace.

Many people use the image of the Smiling Buddha to express all these positive aspects in their lives.

Various forms of smiling Buddha

Now, smiling, we have moved on to the general understanding of the Buddha and looked at its variety.

We can identify the Smiling Buddhas by their postures. Each path represents different objects:

The Buddha sat down and smiled

A typical happy Buddha is where he sits cross-legged and showing off his big belly. This quality signifies balance, harmony and stability.

The Buddha stood and smiled

The standing Buddha symbolizes wealth and happiness.

Lazy Buddha resting

This style is rare, but represents comfort, relaxation and satisfaction.

Happy Buddha surrounded by children

This is a very popular option as it represents fertility, prosperity and happiness.

Smiling Buddha riding the golden eagle

This technique is said to bring happiness in business and wealth.

The smiling Buddha can also be depicted holding various objects such as bowls, bottles and flowers.

Smiling Buddha holding bowl

The bowl in the hands of the smiling Buddha symbolizes both material and spiritual nourishment. This technique is supposed to bring you good health and abundance.

Smiling Buddha with jewels

The gemstone symbolizes wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understanding. Keeping such a large Buddha in your home or office can help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Smiling Buddha holding cotton or bag

Smiling Buddha for money. This strategy is perfect for those starting a business or working towards financial stability.

Smiling Buddha and Woo Loo with fans

The fan symbolizes happiness and abundance while the wu lu (or bottle gourd) symbolizes good health. This smiling Buddha is perfect for those hoping to manifest wealth and health in life.

Smiling Buddha with golden orb

A golden circle symbolizes happiness and prosperity. This smiling Buddha is perfect for those working towards financial stability.

Smiling Buddha wearing a hat

The shirt symbolizes entertainment. This smiling Buddha is perfect for those hoping to manifest their dreams and goals.

The choice of the smiling Buddha symbol

As you can see, there are many smiling Buddhas with their own unique meaning.

When choosing a Buddha statue or happy piece of jewelry, think about what you hope to manifest in your life.

Do you want more money? More health? More wisdom?

Choose a smiling Buddha who represents your wishes and he will see your dreams come true.

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